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Status Updates posted by Zesty

  1. Whenever I see a new post in the announcement section, I thought there will be a new update or whatever regarding the server. Instead I saw an old thread got bump to the top again and again. The shit with that.

    1. Flan


      Hey... pst... I'll be makeing server name announcement today. Don't tell anyone. It's our secret. 

      Also, don't tell anyone about me typing makeing and not correcting it to making. Shh.

    2. Zesty


      Yass!! and Yass!@#$%!

      It's tiem.

  2. Server closed (1). I guess it is the short end for the server. Hopefully it's a temporarily short closing time. Thanks everyone.

  3. Map server offline again. It happens so many times.

    1. Tukang
    2. Flan


      I think we figured out the cause. A lovely player in Niff came forward and said he thought he was the reason it was crashing. Turns out he was right. So we have fixed the issue. 

    3. Zesty


      Nice! Thank you Flan. I hope there will be no more server hiccup :D

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